Oil Paintings

Blue Ridge oil painting

oil painting of Swiss Alps and mountain flowers
Blue Ridge, 2015, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 in.

Here’s a painting from my trip to the Swiss Alps last summer.  We stayed in Gimmelwald in the Bernese Oberland Region.  My husband and I joked that every place we stood was a 45 degree angle.  This painting became about the sharp angles of the mountains.  I tried to balance the negative slope of the foreground grass with the positive slope of the distant mountains.  I was also trying to keep each slope a slightly different angle for variety.

Oil Paintings Uncategorized

Spring Begins Plein Air Painting

Spring Begins, 2015, oil on panel
Spring Begins, 2015, oil on panel, 9 x 12 in.

It’s wonderful when the weather turns and it’s warm enough to enjoy being outside again.  I painted this small painting in a creek near my house early this spring when the redbuds were blooming and the  leaves of the undergrowth were just starting to pop.  There’s an interesting contrast in the woods at that time between the achromatic trees, ground and rocks and the very highly saturated new growth of the buds and blooms.  The greens of the woods for those couple of weeks becomes an almost fluorescent green.

After a couple of hours painting plein air, the painting still needed some work.  I spent a couple of more sessions on it in the studio bringing it a bit more up to snuff.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings

Hay Tor

sketch of Hay Tor
sketch of Hay Tor
Hay Tor, 2015, oil, 24 x 24 in.
Hay Tor, 2015, oil, 24 x 24 in.

England’s Dartmoor National Park has large granite outcroppings called tors.  Hay Tor is one of the most impressive and popular.  There are small footholds and handholds to scramble to the top.  After exploring the rock structure, I sat in the field in front of the tors to make a quick graphite sketch.  Like everywhere we hiked in the park, we shared the space with the grazing sheep.  I

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

The Coast

Oil painting by Abby Laux of coast of Cannon Beach
Abby Laux, “The Coast”, 2014, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 in

Cannon Beach


Last fall we visited some friends on the West Coast and took a day to relax at the beach.  I did a small sketch on location, reveling in the geometric forms of the rocks.  This spring I painted this  little blue painting from photographs I took that day.  I really enjoyed getting to paint the huge expanse of sky.  Where I live is all hills and trees, and I do not often get to see the colors of the sky as it meets the horizon.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Early Light


oil painting of Glacier National Park by Abby Laux
Abby Laux, “Early Light”, 2014, oil, 8 x 10 in.




In 2009, I took a family trip with my husband, mom, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and two close family friends, Collin and Kathy Staley to Glacier National Park.  It was a bittersweet trip-the last one we were able to take with Collin, who was undergoing chemo at the time, but the first of many we were able to take with my father-in-law who was recovering from colon cancer.  Taking an Amtrak train along the northern US, we arrived in Glacier National Park and spent our first few nights in Many Glacier Lodge.  The first morning we awoke to a fresh couple of inches of snow–in June!  It was magical and breathtaking and cemented my love of the national parks.  I dug into some of my old photographs of that first morning at sunrise and did this little oil painting.

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Generous Solace

"Generous Solace", Oil painting of sunflowers by Abby Laux
Generous Solace, 2013, oil on canvas, 18 x 36 in

sunflowers4sunflowers3sunflowers2sunflowers1sunflower drawing


I created this painting as a gift for my mom in memory of my late father.  Sunflowers and Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings were favorites of his.  Dad, also a landscape artist, put the first paint brush in my hands as a baby, took me to my first museum when I was five, and continues to be an inspiration to me.

The title, “Generous Solace”, originated with help from my aunt and uncle.  Nicole Sholly, better at expressing with words than me, suggested words associated with meaning of Dad’s Germanic name, Frank, including “free”, “open-hearted”, and “generous”, all of which were apt descriptions of Dad’s personality.  Solace was the word I chose to symbolize the passing or at least lightening of the sorrow and grief of his passing.

The idea for this painting has been in my thoughts for years.  I wanted to use my own photos for reference and so did not get an opportunity to photograph and sketch a sunflower field for awhile.  Then last summer, my neighbor serendipitously planted his garden with sunflowers.  While jogging past one evening after a storm, I noticed the field, went home to get my camera, and was able to start my painting.  The mood of the storm passing and the flowers lifting their faces once again to the light expresses the hope and strength in our recovery from sorrow.  Mom’s strength, loyalty, and exquisiteness are reflected in the raw beauty of the sunflowers who faithfully lift their heads to the sun each morning–which is likely the reason Dad loved Mom so dearly.


Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

The Cedar

Oil Painting of Cedar Tree by Abby Laux
The Cedar, 2014, oil, 11 x 14 in.

cypress3 cedar_sketchesThe corn field in front of our house has a lone cedar tree on its edge, and when the winter sun sets in the valley, one strip of sunlight illuminates it and the golden field right before dusk.  I started this painting at a workshop I taught at the French Lick Artisan Gallery this past winter.  I really happy with the final result of muted blues and yellows.  It is a good to branch out from the very green paintings of summer.  When teaching the workshop, we started with the traditional monochromatic underpainting-this one in burnt sienna.  Then, I blocked in the large areas of color (bottom image) and continued to add detail on top.  When composing the painting, I was intrigued and played around with the overlapping diagonal curves.

Acrylic Paintings Oil Paintings


Nightfall 2014 acrylic and oil 36 x 24 in
Nightfall 2014 acrylic and oil 36 x 24 in

While in Yosemite National Park, we watched the sun set from Glacier Point overlooking Half Dome.  As the light faded and the darkness became absolute, more and more stars appeared.  I had my camera set up and photographed the emerging stars.  To make this painting, I wanted to try the thick layers of  transparent medium again like I did in my painting Winter Cliffs.  The multiple layers of acrylic end at the horizon line where I then used oil paint to capture the subtle shades in the mountains.  The painting was then given a wax varnish.    I think the textures and depth created by this technique is interesting.  I especially like the brilliant star above the crown of Half Dome-makes me imagine a plumb line making a link between the  two.

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Meadow Creek



Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in
Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in

_MG_2361_MG_2360_MG_2359This is another painting from Yosemite National Park.  I tried a violet underpainting this time.  In an effort to become more efficient at starting paintings, I used a larger brush to block in colors within a couple of hours.  Details and reworking took considerable time after that though.


Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Snow Creek

 Snow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 inSnow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 in

During an evening walk, my husband and I wandered up this small creek with exposed bedrock.  The setting sun warmed the snow with an orange glow, and the remaining beech leaves shone as if fragments of stained glass hung in the air.