Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Snow Creek

 Snow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 inSnow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 in

During an evening walk, my husband and I wandered up this small creek with exposed bedrock.  The setting sun warmed the snow with an orange glow, and the remaining beech leaves shone as if fragments of stained glass hung in the air.

Oil Paintings

Sycamores in Winter

This winter of polar vortexes, possibly a result of climate change, did lend itself to a couple outdoor snow studies.  I started this particular one while my husband, nieces, and nephews went sled riding down the hill on the right.  I was drawn to the crispness of light and how the reduction of hues in winter brings out the beauty and subtlety of the greys.

Sycamores in Winter oil 2014  11 x 14 in
Sycamores in Winter oil 2014 11 x 14 in