Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Generous Solace

"Generous Solace", Oil painting of sunflowers by Abby Laux
Generous Solace, 2013, oil on canvas, 18 x 36 in

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I created this painting as a gift for my mom in memory of my late father.  Sunflowers and Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings were favorites of his.  Dad, also a landscape artist, put the first paint brush in my hands as a baby, took me to my first museum when I was five, and continues to be an inspiration to me.

The title, “Generous Solace”, originated with help from my aunt and uncle.  Nicole Sholly, better at expressing with words than me, suggested words associated with meaning of Dad’s Germanic name, Frank, including “free”, “open-hearted”, and “generous”, all of which were apt descriptions of Dad’s personality.  Solace was the word I chose to symbolize the passing or at least lightening of the sorrow and grief of his passing.

The idea for this painting has been in my thoughts for years.  I wanted to use my own photos for reference and so did not get an opportunity to photograph and sketch a sunflower field for awhile.  Then last summer, my neighbor serendipitously planted his garden with sunflowers.  While jogging past one evening after a storm, I noticed the field, went home to get my camera, and was able to start my painting.  The mood of the storm passing and the flowers lifting their faces once again to the light expresses the hope and strength in our recovery from sorrow.  Mom’s strength, loyalty, and exquisiteness are reflected in the raw beauty of the sunflowers who faithfully lift their heads to the sun each morning–which is likely the reason Dad loved Mom so dearly.