Oil Paintings Uncategorized

Spring Begins Plein Air Painting

Spring Begins, 2015, oil on panel
Spring Begins, 2015, oil on panel, 9 x 12 in.

It’s wonderful when the weather turns and it’s warm enough to enjoy being outside again.  I painted this small painting in a creek near my house early this spring when the redbuds were blooming and the  leaves of the undergrowth were just starting to pop.  There’s an interesting contrast in the woods at that time between the achromatic trees, ground and rocks and the very highly saturated new growth of the buds and blooms.  The greens of the woods for those couple of weeks becomes an almost fluorescent green.

After a couple of hours painting plein air, the painting still needed some work.  I spent a couple of more sessions on it in the studio bringing it a bit more up to snuff.