Acrylic Paintings Oil Paintings


Nightfall 2014 acrylic and oil 36 x 24 in
Nightfall 2014 acrylic and oil 36 x 24 in

While in Yosemite National Park, we watched the sun set from Glacier Point overlooking Half Dome.  As the light faded and the darkness became absolute, more and more stars appeared.  I had my camera set up and photographed the emerging stars.  To make this painting, I wanted to try the thick layers of  transparent medium again like I did in my painting Winter Cliffs.  The multiple layers of acrylic end at the horizon line where I then used oil paint to capture the subtle shades in the mountains.  The painting was then given a wax varnish.    I think the textures and depth created by this technique is interesting.  I especially like the brilliant star above the crown of Half Dome-makes me imagine a plumb line making a link between the  two.

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Meadow Creek



Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in
Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in

_MG_2361_MG_2360_MG_2359This is another painting from Yosemite National Park.  I tried a violet underpainting this time.  In an effort to become more efficient at starting paintings, I used a larger brush to block in colors within a couple of hours.  Details and reworking took considerable time after that though.


Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Yosemite Valley


Yosemite Valley,  2014,  oil on canvas,  36 x 36 in
Yosemite Valley, 2014, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in
Yosemite Valley in progress
Yosemite Valley in progress

This painting was the result of a trip to Yosemite National Park last summer.  Within the square canvas, I was striving for a circular  composition.  The dark green of the valley forest and the darker upper sky forms a ring around the lighter, cooler space between the granite cliffs.  It was challenging to create such extreme depth through the valley floor.  The space at Yosemite is just amazing and almost incomprehensible.




Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress Preliminary Drawings

Lover of Light in progress

oil, 2013, 36x36 in
Lover of Light, oil, 2013, 36×36 in
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light sketch
Lover of Light sketch




Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Tuolumne Meadows

Tuolumne Meadowstuolumne_meadows


The work starts with graphite sketches where I find I can more easily design compositions using the small scale and a pencil.  Using a grid helps me to transfer the lines that I want to the large canvas and not lose the the grace of the sketch.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

The Face I Know

The Face I Knowthe_face_I_know the_face_I_know_sketch