Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Meadow Creek



Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in
Meadow Creek 2014 oil 11 x 14 in

_MG_2361_MG_2360_MG_2359This is another painting from Yosemite National Park.  I tried a violet underpainting this time.  In an effort to become more efficient at starting paintings, I used a larger brush to block in colors within a couple of hours.  Details and reworking took considerable time after that though.


Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Snow Creek

 Snow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 inSnow Creek, 2014, oil, 36 x 48 in

During an evening walk, my husband and I wandered up this small creek with exposed bedrock.  The setting sun warmed the snow with an orange glow, and the remaining beech leaves shone as if fragments of stained glass hung in the air.

Oil Paintings

Sycamores in Winter

This winter of polar vortexes, possibly a result of climate change, did lend itself to a couple outdoor snow studies.  I started this particular one while my husband, nieces, and nephews went sled riding down the hill on the right.  I was drawn to the crispness of light and how the reduction of hues in winter brings out the beauty and subtlety of the greys.

Sycamores in Winter oil 2014  11 x 14 in
Sycamores in Winter oil 2014 11 x 14 in
Landscape Sketches Pen and Ink drawing

Cannon Beach

Cannon Beach
Cannon Beach pen and ink Oct 17, 2013 8″x6″
Ecola State Park  pen and ink Oct 17, 2013  8"x6"
Ecola State Park pen and ink Oct 17, 2013 8″x6″

We visited our good friends, Kelly and Mike, last October in Portland, OR.  During the trip, Kerry and I took some hikes in Ecola State Park and along Cannon Beach.  It was a beautiful stretch of coast.  These are a couple of sketches I did on the hikes.




Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings

Hobbit Hill

Another plein air painting on a hillside near my studio that my husband and I always joke is our own hobbit hill…

Hobbit Hill, oil, 2013, 9x12 in
Hobbit Hill, oil, 2013, 9×12 in
Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings

The Cove

Working to improve my efficiency with colors and values, I have been working on these smaller plein air paintings.  I want to be able to quickly and effectively give a sense of the space of a scene.

The Cove, oil, 2013, 9x12 in
The Cove, oil, 2013, 9×12 in
Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings


Stand, oil, 2013, 11x14 in

Here is another little plein air painting I completed this summer at Spring Mill State Park in Indiana.  It was a hot, humid, 90-degree day, hence the intensity of the light on the field behind this stand of trees.



Oil Paintings

Riverwalk in progress

Riverwalk, oil, 2013, 9x12 in
Riverwalk, oil, 2013, 9×12 in

I did this little plein air painting on a foggy day at Jasper’s Riverwalk this past summer.  The fog was lifting as I finished blocking in the masses, so the result does not quite have the atmospheric quality I thought it would when I started the painting.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress Preliminary Drawings

Lover of Light in progress

oil, 2013, 36x36 in
Lover of Light, oil, 2013, 36×36 in
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light in progress
Lover of Light sketch
Lover of Light sketch




Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Tuolumne Meadows

Tuolumne Meadowstuolumne_meadows


The work starts with graphite sketches where I find I can more easily design compositions using the small scale and a pencil.  Using a grid helps me to transfer the lines that I want to the large canvas and not lose the the grace of the sketch.