Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings

The Cove

Working to improve my efficiency with colors and values, I have been working on these smaller plein air paintings.  I want to be able to quickly and effectively give a sense of the space of a scene.

The Cove, oil, 2013, 9x12 in
The Cove, oil, 2013, 9×12 in
Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings


Stand, oil, 2013, 11x14 in

Here is another little plein air painting I completed this summer at Spring Mill State Park in Indiana.  It was a hot, humid, 90-degree day, hence the intensity of the light on the field behind this stand of trees.



Oil Paintings

Riverwalk in progress

Riverwalk, oil, 2013, 9x12 in
Riverwalk, oil, 2013, 9×12 in

I did this little plein air painting on a foggy day at Jasper’s Riverwalk this past summer.  The fog was lifting as I finished blocking in the masses, so the result does not quite have the atmospheric quality I thought it would when I started the painting.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Tuolumne Meadows

Tuolumne Meadowstuolumne_meadows


The work starts with graphite sketches where I find I can more easily design compositions using the small scale and a pencil.  Using a grid helps me to transfer the lines that I want to the large canvas and not lose the the grace of the sketch.

Landscape Sketches Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Lindsay Homestead in progress

Lindsay HomesteadHope_inprogresslindsay_homestead_sketch

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Golden Glory in progress




Pen and Ink drawing

The Field

Paintings in Progress

The Field-in progress

Figure Studies Landscape Sketches Preliminary Drawings

the field

Figure Studies Preliminary Drawings

Maddy in Grass

I would like this blog to record the progression of my work, the process behind my more finished pieces, and the small excursions sideways that I like to do simply for the pleasure of creating them.  Because I would like this record to start with the beginning of my master’s program, I am choosing to backdate many entries.  I hope this does not break too drastically with blog etiquette and that viewers will be patient as I attempt to chronologically organize these entries.

This is a preliminay sketch I did in my first master’s course.  I did start a painting from this composition that was attempting to push textures and layering with different acrylic mediums. However, I could never reconcile the textures that I had built up initially with the face.  My poor sister looked diseased.  Plus, I was struggling with the proportions on the face; I was a bit rusty after not concentrating on figure studies for so long.  Therefore, I will not show the embarassing results of this attempt.