Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Dew on Grass in progress

dew on grass underpainting


complimentary oil underpainting

dew on grass


Dew on Grass finished oil painting

Figure Studies Preliminary Drawings

Maddy in Grass

I would like this blog to record the progression of my work, the process behind my more finished pieces, and the small excursions sideways that I like to do simply for the pleasure of creating them.  Because I would like this record to start with the beginning of my master’s program, I am choosing to backdate many entries.  I hope this does not break too drastically with blog etiquette and that viewers will be patient as I attempt to chronologically organize these entries.

This is a preliminay sketch I did in my first master’s course.  I did start a painting from this composition that was attempting to push textures and layering with different acrylic mediums. However, I could never reconcile the textures that I had built up initially with the face.  My poor sister looked diseased.  Plus, I was struggling with the proportions on the face; I was a bit rusty after not concentrating on figure studies for so long.  Therefore, I will not show the embarassing results of this attempt.