Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress Preliminary Drawings

Fog on Sargent Mountain

fog on sargent mountain sketch


graphite sketch for painting Fog on Sargent Mountain

fog on sargent mountain underpainting


oil underpainting

fog on sargent mountain 2

fog on sargent mountain 3

fog on sargent mountain 4

fog on sargent mountain


finished oil painting

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress Preliminary Drawings

Roots in Creek in process

roots in the creek sketch


Preliminary sketch for Roots in the Creek.

roots in the creek underpainting


Acrylic underpainting for Roots in the Creek.

roots in the creek 2nd


Roots in the Creek in process.

roots in the creek


Roots in the Creek finished oil painting.

Oil Paintings Paintings in Progress

Creek Overhang in process

creek overhang sketch


Creek Overhang preliminary sketch.

creek overhang underpainting


Creek Overhang acrylic under-painting.

creek overhang


Creek Overhang finished oil painting.

Paintings in Progress Preliminary Drawings

Bedrock in process

bedrock sketch



Paintings in Progress

Winter Cliffs in process

winter cliff in process


winter cliff

Acrylic Paintings Preliminary Drawings

Moss Cliffs

moss cliffs cartoon


moss cliffs

Paintings in Progress

Repose-in progress


repose 1st step

repose 2nd steprepose finishRepose in progress.   I was experimenting with mediums and building up textures at this time.  This painting makes use of hard molding paste and blended fibers.  A trip to the local hardware store  produced some additional tools to spread and scrape the mediums across the canvas.